Through educational and support services, we empower individuals living in Arlington, Texas to achieve self-sufficiency.

Join us in our fight to ​​​​​​​break the cycles of poverty and illiteracy

Support Services
• Food Pantry
Adult Education
• English Language Acquisition/ESL Classes
• Computer Classes
GED graduate, Hector, during graduation ceremony
"There is stress, but to be able to set a positive example for my 3 children makes it all worthwhile. They saw dad had a goal and I achieved my goal. I showed my children I could walk proudly down the aisle to receive my diploma for their future. I was not afraid to work hard to accomplish my goal and I was determined to be successful." 

Success Story

-Hector, GED Graduate
Our Impact
Received Food
   Clients Received
Clothes for Interviews and Work
Students Increased
Literacy Level

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